Flavio Castelli

Debugging my life

Dec 8, 2005 - 1 minute read - Comments - bash

Howto edit multime id3 tags from command line


id3medit is a simple script for tagging all mp3/ogg files present in a directory.


id3medit relies on id3v2, a command-line tool for editing id3v2 tags file names must be in format: ’## - trackname.ext’. Where ## is track’s number, and ext is file’s extension (mp3 or ogg in case insensitive format)


id3medit syntax is: id3medit artist album year(*) genre(*) Where * denotes optional arguments You can obtain genre identification number in this way: id3v2 -L | grep -i genre


id3v2 -L | grep -i rock

   1: Classic Rock
  17: Rock
  40: Alt. Rock
  47: Instrum. Rock
  56: Southern Rock
  78: Rock & Roll
  79: Hard Rock
  81: Folk/Rock
  91: Gothic Rock
  92: Progress. Rock
  93: Psychadel. Rock
  94: Symphonic Rock 
  95: Slow Rock
 121: Punk Rock
 141: Christian Rock


{% gist 2469919 %}

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