Flavio Castelli

Debugging my life

Feb 16, 2006 - 2 minute read - Comments - c++

Regexp with boost

How can you add regular expressions to C++? Here you’re three small examples.

Pattern matching

In this example you’ll find how you can match a regexp in a string.

{% codeblock [pattern matching] [lang:c++ ] %} // Created by Flavio Castelli // distrubuted under GPL v2 license

#include #include

int main() { boost::regex pattern (“bg|olug”,boost::regex_constants::icase|boost::regex_constants::perl); std::string stringa (“Searching for BsLug”);

if (boost::regex_search (stringa, pattern, boost::regex_constants::format_perl)) printf (“found\n”); else printf(“not found\n”);

return 0; } {% endcodeblock %}


In this example you’ll find how you can replace a string matching a pattern.

{% codeblock [substitutions] [lang:c++ ] %} // Created by Flavio Castelli [email protected] // distrubuted under GPL v2 license

#include #include

int main() { boost::regex pattern (“b.lug”,boost::regex_constants::icase|boost::regex_constants::perl); std::string stringa (“Searching for bolug”); std::string replace (“BgLug”); std::string newString;

newString = boost::regex_replace (stringa, pattern, replace);

printf(“The new string is: |%s|\n”,newString.c_str());

return 0; } {% endcodeblock %}


In this example you’ll find how you tokenize a string with a pattern.

{% codeblock [split] [lang:c++ ] %} // Created by Flavio Castelli [email protected] // distrubuted under GPL v2 license

#include #include

int main() { boost::regex pattern (”\D”,boost::regex_constants::icase|boost::regex_constants::perl);

std::string stringa (“26/11/2005 17:30”); std::string temp;

boost::sregex_token_iterator i(stringa.begin(), stringa.end(), pattern, -1); boost::sregex_token_iterator j;

unsigned int counter = 0;

while(i != j) { temp = *i; printf (“token %i = |%s|\n”, ++counter, temp.c_str()); i++; }

return 0; } {% endcodeblock %}


In order to build this examples you’ll need:

Svn cleaner Svn commit helper

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