As usually lot of time passed since my last post on this site. Hundred of things happened in the meantime… Going in order:
- I took my second level degree in Computer Engineering
- I began to work in a IT company
- I’m going to give a presentation of strigi to fosdem It’s really hard (and honestly I don’t have enough time) to give a detailed resume of all these facts. The graduation went really fine, my teacher and the other one in the examining session liked my work and I got a good score. Obviously that gave me a great satisfaction Laughing
The other great thing is that, exactly a month later my graduation, I found a good work in a IT company. In the meantime I got lot of job interviews, and I’ve been really lucky because I had lot of choices. The main office is located in Milan, a great city near Bergamo (where I live). Since I don’t like to live in Milan (for lot of reasons), I became an outlier. So every day I take a train, the subway and a tram in order to reach work. It isn’t so hard as you could thing… I’ve lot of time to spend reading and maybe coding Wink In the end, for the last point regarding strigi and fosdem, I’ll make a dedicated post.