Flavio Castelli

Debugging my life

May 28, 2010 - 4 minute read - Comments - ruby ruby on rails TDD howto

How to run a single rails unit test

This post explains how to execute a single unit test (or even a single test method) instead of running the complete unit test suite. In order to run the unit tests of your rails application, basically you have these official possibilities: rake test: runs all unit, functional and integration tests. rake test:units: runs all the unit tests. rake test:functionals: runs all the functional tests. rake test:integration: runs all the integration tests.

Mar 14, 2010 - 1 minute read - Comments - qt qjson

QJson and Symbian

I’m really pleased to announce that latest version of QJson on master is working on Symbian. You can find the installation instruction here. Since I’m not a Symbian developer it has been a little hard for me to achieve that. I would like to thank Antti Luoma for his help. There are also good news for Windows developers: now building QJson under Windows is easier. Checkout the new installation instruction page.

Dec 5, 2009 - 1 minute read - Comments - qt qjson

QJson code moves to gitorious

Just a quick note: I have just moved QJson source code to this git repository hosted by gitorious. I’ll keep the code on KDE’s svn synchronized with the git repository.

Dec 4, 2009 - 2 minute read - Comments - qt qjson

QJson: from QObject to JSON and vice-versa

Some days ago I introduced the possibility to serialize a QObject instance to JSON. Today I’m going to show you the opposite operation: initializing a QObject using a JSON object. I refactored a bit my latest changes: I created a new class called QObjectHelper that provides the methods required to convert a QObject instance to a QVariantMap and vice-versa. This class can be used in conjunction with the Serializer and Parser classes to serialize and deserialize QObject instances to and from JSON.

Nov 30, 2009 - 2 minute read - Comments - qt qjson

QJson: easier serialization of QObject instances to JSON

I have just committed into trunk a couple of changes that make easier to serialize a QObject instance to JSON. This solution relies on the awesome Qt’s property system. Suppose the declaration of Person class looks like this: {% codeblock [class definition] [lang:cpp ] %} class Person : public QObject { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(QString name READ name WRITE setName) Q_PROPERTY(int phoneNumber READ phoneNumber WRITE setPhoneNumber) Q_PROPERTY(Gender gender READ gender WRITE setGender) Q_PROPERTY(QDate dob READ dob WRITE setDob) Q_ENUMS(Gender)

Sep 14, 2009 - 3 minute read - Comments - KDE

kaveau updates

Some weeks have passed since the announcement of kaveau. I’m really proud and happy about this project because I received a lot of positive feedback messages and it has been chosen as one of the best Hackweek’s projects. In the meantime I kept working on kaveau, so let me show you what has changed: rdiff-backup has been replaced by rsync. the setup wizard has been improved according to the feedback messages I received.

Sep 4, 2009 - 1 minute read - Comments - qjson qt

Using QJson under Windows

Recently lots of people asked me how to build QJson under Windows. Most of them reported build/link errors, so I decided to try personally. The good news is that QJson can be successfully built under Window, I can show you proof ;) {% img /images/qjson/qjson_windows_1.png %} {% img /images/qjson/qjson_windows_2.png %} I have written the build instructions on QJson website: just take a look here. One last note: if you have problems with QJson please subscribe to the developer mailing list and post a message.

Jul 28, 2009 - 3 minute read - Comments - KDE

kaveau: easy and integrated backups solution for KDE

During the last week I had the possibility to work on anything I wanted, Novell’s hackweek is so cool :) I decided to dedicate myself to an idea that has been obsessing me since a long time. Last December my brand new hard disk suddenly died, making impossible to recover anything. Fortunately I had just synchronized the most important documents between my workstation and my laptop, so I didn’t lose anything important.

Jul 23, 2009 - 1 minute read - Comments - KDE qt qjson

New QJson release

Gran Canaria Desktop Summit has been great and really productive. I had the pleasure to meet people interested in QJson, chat with them but also hack with them. In fact we hacked a lot, doing lots of changes to QJson: the API has been cleaned, now it can be considered stable unicode support has been completely rewritten it’s now possible to convert QVariant objects into JSON ones So it’s with a great pleasure that I announce the release of QJson 0.

Jun 30, 2009 - 1 minute read - Comments - KDE qt qjson

QJson at Gran Canaria Desktop Summit

Now that I have booked both the flights and the hotel it’s official: I’ll attend the Gran Canaria Desktop Summit. On Thursday 9th July I’ll give a BoF about QJson. During the talk I will show: the advantages brought by QJson. the usage of QJson. some real programs using QJson. See you soon!