Flavio Castelli

Debugging my life

May 7, 2007 - 1 minute read - Comments - KDE strigi life

KDE Italy and me

I’m really honored to report that KDE-Italy site published an interview about me. You can find it here. Many thanks to Giovanni Venturi, webmaster and maintainer of kde-it.org!

Mar 1, 2007 - 2 minute read - Comments - KDE strigi life

Back from FOSDEM

A small resume of my FOSDEM experience… Friday evening Departure from Italy. The plane landed in Charlesroi airport, where we (me and Laura) take a bus for Bruxelles. Once in the city it was so late that there was no public transport, so we had to take a cab in order to reach our hotel. Saturday Small tour in Bruxelles. As we thought Bruxelles is a beautiful city with lot of things to see, in fact there are too many things to see for a 2 day trip!

Feb 28, 2007 - 2 minute read - Comments - KDE strigi

Strigi Desktop integration

Short abstract: Strigi desktop integration: how to access Strigi features. Strigi, the fastest and smallest desktop search engine, provides fast searches and good metadata extraction capabilities. It will be used by the next KDE, but it can be easily integrated in other programs. Long abstract: Modern humans are using more and more data every day. Keeping data organized is becoming insufficient, so finding and filtering documents have become key tasks in modern operating systems.

Feb 17, 2007 - 1 minute read - Comments - KDE strigi life

Going to FOSDEM 2007 edition

This year I’ll go to FOSDEM 2007 edition where I’ll give a presentation regarding Strigi. FOSDEM stands for “Free Open Source Developers European Meeting”. This is one of the most important happenings for the open-source scene in Europe. It takes place in Bruxelles, where for two days the university if full of talks, and stands of open-source projects. Big projects have a DevRoom, a place reserved for talks related with them.

Feb 17, 2007 - 2 minute read - Comments - life

Still alive

As usually lot of time passed since my last post on this site. Hundred of things happened in the meantime… Going in order: I took my second level degree in Computer Engineering I began to work in a IT company I’m going to give a presentation of strigi to fosdem It’s really hard (and honestly I don’t have enough time) to give a detailed resume of all these facts. The graduation went really fine, my teacher and the other one in the examining session liked my work and I got a good score.

Dec 10, 2006 - 1 minute read - Comments - KDE

klaptopdaemon improvement

Last night I spent a couple of hours adding a missing feature to klaptopdaemon. Are you curious? keep reading… Yesterday I installed a new kde icon theme. It looked really nice but there was a problem: klaptopdaemon tray icon didn’t work. In fact the icon didn’t show the battery level, it was always at 0%. Quite annoying isn’t it? Since I liked the theme I decided to add a new option to klaptopdaemon: print the battery level percentage over the systray icon.

Dec 1, 2006 - 1 minute read - Comments - c++ qt


HpCalc is an open-source multi-platform editor for the Hp 39G calculator. I was bored by the official “Applet Development kit”, a really old and ugly program written for Windows 3.1 (!!), so I decided to write something new (and maybe better). I made this program just for fun and for learning something (it was the first time I used the Qt library), so don’t bother me if this isn’t fully comparable to Hp’s ADK.

Oct 28, 2006 - 1 minute read - Comments - Italy Linux Day


An introduction to netiquette. Revised version This speech illustrates: what’s a mailing list and how does it works what’s a newsgroup what’s netiquette how to quote how to don’t break mailing lists threads Netiquette v11View more presentations from Flavio Castelli.

Sep 12, 2006 - 1 minute read - Comments - Italy

Regular expressions

An introduction to Regular Expressions. This speech illustrates: regular expressions language main rules regexps with c++ (with boost library) regexps with python regexps with perl regexps with bash Regular expressionsView more presentations from Flavio Castelli.

Aug 8, 2006 - 2 minute read - Comments - c++ KDE strigi

My second level thesis

Months passed in silence and now you publish two news in a couple of minutes!? yep, tonight I just want to go over internet and write something here… Wink It’s time to talk about my second level thesis… Kat A couple of months passed since I started seeking something interesting to challenge with. I found kat, an open-source information retrieval program for KDE. If you don’t know what’s an information retrieval program you’ve just to think about a local google.